
Zwölf Juroren müssen über das Schicksal eines tschetschenischen Jungen entscheiden, der seinen russischen Stiefvater ermordet haben soll. In der Jury sind ein rassistischer Taxifahrer, ein suspekter Doktor, ein Überlebender des Holocaust und einige weitere Repräsentanten der heutigen Gesellschaft Russlands. (Verleiher-Text)

Kritiken (3)

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Englisch I still have not seen 12 Angry Men, so I have no comparison to make, but Michalkov's modern version is very high quality and it was one of the strongest experiences in the past year. Excellent acting on a level that is rarely seen, well-written characters that depict the cross-section of contemporary Russian society and speak volumes about the atmosphere of modern Russia, and an intense dramatic conflict that keeps the viewer uncertain until the very end and forces them to think. Excellent camera work and clever direction, which alternates static shots from the gym with flashbacks from war-torn Chechnya. By the way, the action scenes make up only a very small part of the film, but they are among the best that have been produced in the field of war films in recent years. The script cleverly and gradually reveals the motivations and characteristics of the individual jury members, as well as the criminal act itself. In two or three cases, the director went too far in his attempt to make the plot more attractive, for example, the scene with a knife cutting a cigarette is exaggerated, but Michalkov has to be credited with true mastery and his film, despite some minor flaws, is among the best that European cinema can currently produce. Overall impression: 90%. ()


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Deutsch Großartig - für einen Michalkov ist dies ungewöhnlich roh, rostig, ausweglos. Selbstverständlich lang, vielsagend und der Regisseur hat hier abermals die Gestalt der Figur irgendeines mystischen Botschafters für Gerechtigkeit und Ordnung angenommen, aber wem macht´s schon was aus? Mir nicht. Eine phantastisch komponierte Schnittarbeit, ein exzellenter Soundtrack, vollends durchlebte schauspielerische Leistungen und einige in der Tat beeindruckenden Symbole, welche die Geschichte auf das Niveau eines Gleichnisses bringen, in dem Gerechtigkeit kein Gesetz darstellt und in dem die Ordnung ihre Stellungen vollends aufgegeben hat, so dass die Gesellschaft inmitten eines Chaos, der Paranoia und Wehrlosigkeit gegen das Böse verlassen bleibt (ungeachtet dessen, wo sie herkommt). Wenn es da nicht die aufgedunsenen Monologe sowie die Obsession mit jedem Detail gäbe, fehlte selbst 12 und ein atemberaubendes Gefälle nicht, also überhaupt nichts. ()


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Englisch These twelve angry Russian-speaking men in the basement of an unpleasant gym hit it off so well together that the result is so rarely seen perfection. This is an outstanding remake that makes sense and isn’t at all superfluous or just to fill some movie space. Because Michalkov managed successfully to graft the concept of the original onto the Russian world with its national problems so well that it turns out even better and more natural than in the original. The acting performances are also easily on a par. But unfortunately, in the end the movie as a whole just isn’t better. The trouble is traditional for Michalkov’s movies - the length. Two and a half hours isn’t so long, but it does mean that we find several moments that are needlessly void, taking away the impact of some very powerful moments. And I didn’t really like the numerous lighter-hearted moments (although they do tend to work). And also that, unlike in the original, here the focus is on truth “as such". But anyway, all these little hitches pale in the shadow of scenes (especially the war scenes without soldiers or the analysis of smiling beasts) that will remain in my memory for a long time. ()

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