
Nico Toscani arbeitete einst für das CIA in Vietnam. Angewidert von den brutalen Verhörmethoden seiner Kollegen kehrte er dem Geheimdienst jedoch den Rücken. Jahre später lässt Nico als Polizist in Chicago die Sprengstofflieferung des Gangsters Salvano auffliegen. Doch der wird tags drauf wieder freigelassen. Als ein Sprengstoffanschlag sieben Menschenleben fordert, ermittelt er auf eigene Faust - und stößt auf eine Verschwörung, die ihn mit seiner Vergangenheit konfrontiert. (Puls4)


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Englisch An enjoyable action film that essentially concludes the golden era of the 1980s, where could see silver revolvers, polished Cadillacs, and plenty of crazy vintage hairstyles. Nico, however, is somewhat different. It is noticeable that it was partially filmed in Hong Kong, it is not entirely the clean and shiny “America”, and that is only a good thing. Similarly, the unconventional Steven Seagal was something completely new at the time. His principles and pride were likeable (although not for the twentieth time), and his martial arts were absolutely captivating and above all, real. The exploration of the Vietnam War and the issues in militant circles are presented simply and clearly. Though, unfortunately, Nico is too unequivocal, flat, and black-and-white, it certainly has its charm, the question is whether we have the desire to find it. ()

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