Streaming (1)


New York City, Central Park. Die Nacht bricht herein. Edward Carnby (Rick Yune) ist auf der Jagd nach einem sagenumwobenen Dolch, der seinem Besitzer ewiges Leben verspricht. Doch Carnby ist nicht der einzige, der nach dem Relikt sucht. Ihm bleibt nur wenig Zeit. Dunkle Mächte sind bereits auf seinen Fersen. Mit Hilfe von Abner Lundberg (Lance Henricksen) und den Geisterjägern Boyle (Ralf Moeller) und Perry (Danny Trejo) entwickelt er einen gefährlichen Plan, um das Böse zu vernichten ... (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (1)

Isherwood booo!

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Englisch Uwe’s loyal minions, who are responsible for the script for the first film, were given a budget of four and a half million to make a film in return for their loyal services. Like parasites, they signed on to a film with which they have only the title in common, got a relatively good acting squad together, and let the characters run around a house in the woods for an hour. They then came to the realization in the end that they had to go to the big city where everything would be decided. It's hasty, illogical, lacks action, full of useless chatter... it’s simply boring B-movie that is a waste of rental space. This one’s the perfect case of the "garbage" that you desperately don't enjoy because there is nothing to make you laugh, and after ten minutes you pray for the ending, which is a very long hour and a half away. ()