
Jesse, der als kleiner Junge dem Orca-Wal Willy zum Sprung in die Freiheit verhalf, hat einen Ferienjob auf einem Forschungsschiff ergattert. Dort will er helfen, den mystriösen Rückgang des Walbestandes aufzuklären und hofft natürlich auch, seinen alten Freund Willy wiederzusehen. (Verleiher-Text)

Kritiken (2)


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Englisch While I can nostalgically shed tears over the first part even today, and tolerate the second part as a routine unsuccessful continuation with all my might, I cannot overcome the third part and grit my teeth at its dementia. Some topics will always tempt us to repeat them over and over again. ()

lamps booo!

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Englisch Poor Willy should have been left to die in peace and quiet in the second film, rather than being subjected to such an embarrassment. The first one wasn't great either, but there the level of pathos was easily tolerable and covered by at least an attempt at a story, whereas here... Better to forget than to ever revisit it. 20% ()