
Chicagos Wettermann David Spritz lebt so, wie es sich die meisten erträumen: Er ist eine Berühmtheit, bezieht für nur zwei Stunden Arbeit am Tag ein sechsstelliges Gehalt und ist aussichtsreicher Kandidat für den begehrten Posten als Meteorologe einer großen Morning-Show. Im Privatleben jedoch scheint der erfolgsverwöhnte Karrieremensch zu scheitern. Seine Frau hat sich von ihm scheiden lassen, seine Kinder machen einen großen Bogen um ihn und nicht einmal sein mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichneter Vater nimmt ihn ernst... (Paramount Pictures Germany)


Kritiken (8)

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Deutsch Ein melancholisches, "lebensnahes" Drama über einen Kerl, der sich mit seinen Schwächen abfindet und auf diese Art und Weise sich selbst findet. Nicht so sentimental und episodisch wie Das Streben nach Glück und nicht so theatralisch und oberflächlich wie American Beauty. Der talentierte Handwerker Gore Verbinski zeigt, dass er Sinn für eine beeindruckende visuelle Seite und eine originelle Auffassung eines konventionellen Themas hat. Manchmal verliert der Film die eindeutige Richtung. Das treffende und intelligente Aussprechen des Abschlussgedankens macht aus ihm aber ein gut funktionierendes Ganzes. Wenn man sich diesen Film zum richtigen Zeitpunkt anschaut, kann er unvergesslich werden. ()


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Englisch A sequence of episodes that don't hold together and lack a point. A strange mess that unsuccessfully plays at being art and a clever film full of life wisdom, but it is neither. Verbinski should not be attempting a new American Beauty and should stick to what he does best: seasonal blockbusters. However, the reborn Cage was great, and the fact that he doesn't get out of the picture the whole time makes this film even more watchable. 2 1/2 *. ()


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Englisch Verbinski drifted away from blockbuster waters to a strange picture about another “loser" suffering a middle-age crisis. It isn’t at all original; mainly it lacks any common theme to make the separate scenes, which are good in themselves, make sense when put together. Although this is no American Beauty, it has a pleasantly melancholic air to it and thanks to Cage and Cane it is certainly worth watching. Primarily for Cage, this and Lord of War signals a return to quality acting performances. Too bad that its potential is exploited very little; it should have cut much deeper... ()


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Englisch A movie for everyone who has come home at least once, sat down in a chair, and for some unknown reason, felt sad. Although I was slightly disappointed right after watching it, a few days later, I sat down just like that and suddenly I saw Nicolas Cage and Michael Caine in the car, joking about a funeral speech, and I understood that Gore Verbinski conveyed what he wanted to say in the most stylish way possible. ()



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Englisch The Weather Man is a good film. Quite good enough to find itself with good reviews. However, for a person to truly enjoy it - well, let's say, to be able to absorb it - they need a certain life experience that comes with age. It is indeed a film about the midlife crisis and the crisis of values of the main protagonist. Nicolas Cage, in the leading role, sees his marriage falling apart, his children remind him of assholes, without fully realizing that they are the result of his genes, inconsistent upbringing, and the imprint of his surroundings that he helped create. He also has a father who has achieved maximum respect in his profession and has proven to be a much better father and husband than his discontented offspring. Dave would like to live differently, but his cowardice, laziness, and sometimes just plain bad luck prevent him from doing so. What is unpleasant is that, despite the different overseas culture and different social environment, the film moves in a realistic position that will, I think, be dangerously familiar to many middle-aged men, including myself, and unfortunately, it can be recognized in many aspects. Several moments can hit close to home and evoke strong, not particularly pleasant, emotions. The only thing that separates The Weather Man from being a maximum emotional experience is the cowardice of the creators, which did not allow them to let their protagonist fall completely, and so the marasmus of Dave's personal life is compensated by his professional success, crowned by a prestigious job position with a two-million-dollar annual income. I know many people from my surroundings who would exchange their family for those two million dollars plus bonuses without a guilty conscience. Overall impression: 90%. Nicolas Cage performs effortlessly in the leading role and certainly does not harm the film. ()


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Englisch A story of person who is trying to become what we all want to be. More successful, better and so on. The snippets of the ordinary life of Dave Spritz show the everyday problems which most of us know and everybody will find something that applies to them. Cage gave an excellent acting performance, as did Michael Caine. His “daddy" is just perfect. The Weather Man is a pleasant and a slightly untraditional comedy that entertains you but also makes you think about the hardship of our lives. By the way, have you noticed that this is the second movie with Cage in a short space of time where the hero is the narrator himself? ()


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Englisch A terribly boring and tedious drama. Without energy, fun and other comedy elements that would entice to watch the it gusto and enthusiasm. Bland. ()


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Englisch A festival of sensitivity and a pleasantly civil look at a grizzled weatherman dealing with a proper existential crisis. Gore Verbinski's well-known directorial mannerisms are undeniable here, but it's actually more of a plus. On the one hand, it’s a rather intimate and psychologically complicated story; on the other hand, all the visual flourishes and tricks notably enhance the viewer's experience. On top of that, Nicolas Cage gives one of his best performances. [80%] ()

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