
Harvey hat eine Yacht in der Karibik geerbt. Um Kosten zu sparen will er sie mit seiner Familie selbst nach Chicago bringen. Dafür heuert er Rauhbein Ron an, der auch gerne mal ein Schluck zuviel trinkt. Ron steuert sie von einem Schlamassel in zum nächsten, und dann müssen sie sich auch noch gegen Piraten wehren. (Verleiher-Text)

Kritiken (1)


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Englisch A generally undemanding comedy that does not set any higher goals and offers Kurt Russell as the main attraction. The evaluation of the film depends on the willingness to accept a childish script, which, as you can see from the two stars, I didn't really achieve. The bloodthirsty Cuban pirates and other screenplay innovations didn't impress me too much. However, everything works as it should within the world created by the director. Russell, Short, and ultimately the other actors exaggerate as much as they can, but that's simply part of the nonsense. The film is best used as relaxation after mentally demanding work. Overall rating: 40%. ()