First Strike - Jackie Chans Erstschlag

  • Deutschland First Strike - Jackie Chans Erstschlag (mehr)

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Eigentlich wollte sich Supercop Jackie aus Hongkong nach seinem Observierungsjob in der winterlichen Ukraine etwas Ruhe gönnen. Doch daraus wird nichts, denn auf der Suche nach einer Kontaktfrau kommt Jackie einer gefährlichen Verschwörung auf die Spur: Terroristen ist es gelungen, einen Atomsprengkopf zu stehlen. Mit diesem planen sie Erpressungen im ganz großen Stil ... (Sat.1)


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Englisch Jackie Chan is simply insane, but he constantly entertains me. He is funny and his movies should be too. Especially in the past, he focused on amusing the audience. This is a pure example, with the added Russian environment and later on the Australian one, where he doesn't fit in either case, but that makes the individual confrontations even more interesting. ()


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Englisch Despite being part of the Police Story series, in the first half this picture reminds you a lot of a Bond movie and doesn’t hesitate to say it out loud. Jackie sets off to visit Ukraine, has a breakneck snowboard ride, then he goes to Australia where he swims with sharks etc. Considering I wasn’t expecting much from this, the picture was a pleasant surprise. Chan is in excellent physical form, the choreography is generally humorous and inventive (especially the fake kung fu is better than slow-motion “bullet time") and primarily it is decently paced, meaning that you don’t notice some of the mistakes. You can see that this had a sizeable budget and, last but not least, the movie isn’t very long, so you don’t get a chance to get bored. ()


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