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Kritiken (7 563)


Dexter - H heißt Held (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch Finally, I got to the episode that really convinced me things could work this way. Maybe it was because Jim felt more like a guide to the unfolding plot, which is finally heading in the long-anticipated direction. Well, I'll wait and see if the creators can handle it the way I imagine. / Lesson learned: Don't get into a car with a stranger (especially if they're a white heterosexual).


Dexter - Rauchzeichen (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch The plot of the third episode was quite interesting, there was some tension, and the chilling atmosphere was well done. All that was missing was Dexter himself. Jim is cut from a different cloth; he longs for family life, is oddly emotional (which is quite paradoxical), but perhaps he's just somewhat paralyzed by the constant cold. The original Dexter shines through only occasionally, and in those moments, I think maybe all is not lost, but who knows. / Lesson learned: Don't humble yourself before the strong and don't raise yourself above the weak. :-)


Dexter - Mega-Scheiße (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch My second encounter with Jim Lindsay turned out much better than I expected. I still have reservations about many aspects, I still find it hard to accept my favorite serial killer taking someone out based solely on unverified information from a single source. However, the episode itself was quite enjoyable,  and if things don't go completely off the rails, I might even allow myself to hope.


Skyggen i mit øje (2021) 

Englisch It wasn't an easy watch, especially in these times. It primarily showcased the unnecessary deaths of numerous civilians and provided an authentic portrayal of the events. / Lessons learned: casualties/injuries 10/35 nurses, 86/67 children. Total number of Danish civilians killed (including victims from the so-called French school): 140. Estimated number of Gestapo members and collaborators eliminated: 50-150 or 100-200.


Dexter - Kältewelle (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch What a weird episode. It seems this season won't be about Dexter Morgan at all. Instead of the emotionless Dexter, we're introduced to the emotional Jim Lindsay, who talks to his deceased sister and tries to pick up a deer. Astral Deb was another letdown, as she didn't swear once during the entire episode. Considering the disaster that was the eighth season's finale, I'm not entirely convinced this politically correct season has much room for improvement. But, I'll keep my hopes up for now. / Lesson learned: The kids are sure to track you down.


Succession - Season 3 (2021) (Staffel) 

Englisch I anticipated a well-crafted spectacle with that familiar, somewhat depressing atmosphere that tends to leave me feeling a bit repulsed, if not downright disgusted. And let me tell you, that's precisely what I got. Sure, halfway through the season, I found myself grumbling about a few shortcomings in the atmosphere. However, the last three episodes shut me up. Yes, even the third return to the Roy family was thoroughly enjoyable. It's quite the mystery to me how a series filled with not a single remotely positive character manages to captivate me so completely. / Lesson learned: If you've got a weak stomach, take some motion sickness pills before watching.


Succession - Geheimtreffen (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch Each season's finale has consistently delivered a brilliantly crafted experience, and this one was no different. It was another depressing glimpse into the hopelessly dysfunctional Roy family, complete with corporate intrigue that stirred up a lot of disgust. / Lesson learned: Watch your back. In this world, there will always be someone ready to stab you in it.


Succession - Deal unter Gleichen (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch I mean, here I was, complaining about how the creators seemed to dial back on the disgust-inducing atmosphere in the third season. And then, BAM! This episode hits like a bulldozer, smothering everything in a thick, putrid layer of the worst, rotting biological waste. This family... whew. It's quite the experience - uncomfortable yet absolutely riveting. / Lesson learned: Watch what you photograph. And if you absolutely have to, be careful who you send it to.


Succession - Geburtstagsparty (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch Who would've thought? It seems my constant grumbling was finally heard, and I was treated to some truly unpleasant family time after what felt like ages. The atmosphere was so thick, it felt like being in an unventilated room packed with thirty people. It was yet again a thoroughly unpleasant experience that I somehow thoroughly enjoyed. / Lesson learned: Birthday parties are overrated. I mean, even John Wayne Gacy liked them...


Succession - Der Kandidat (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch The episode didn't quite hit the mark for me; I was left with this feeling like I was waiting for something that never quite materialized. I get that choosing one of the most powerful men on the planet is an important issue, but being non-American, it didn't quite resonate as strongly with me. The plot didn't grip me as much this time, and I missed that uncomfortable (yet top-notch) atmosphere that seemed to have faded away from the third season. / Lesson learned: Don't count on politicians to stay true to their principles. 4*-