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Kritiken (7 536)


The Boys - Russen, Hamster, Superhelden (2022) (Folge) 

Englisch The episode had all the elements that make the show so entertaining - dark humor, scattered parts of the human anatomy, and a truly psychopathic Führer. Despite this, I found myself less than satisfied as a viewer. The idea of giving Butcher's team temporary superpowers didn't quite impress me, and using a dildo as a murder weapon has been done before. If memory serves me right, I first encountered this trope back in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and it's been making its rounds in various forms ever since. / Lesson learned: In the world of conspiracies, secrecy is key. 4*-


Mit eiserner Hand - Blutiger Thron (2024) (Folge) 

Englisch What a mess. What started as a solid four-star episode took a nosedive into what I'd generously give two stars. Things went off the rails with the task force. It felt like the creators lost their way entirely, and the screenwriter must have been on something questionable to justify this misstep. To top it all off, the final scene didn't help it much either. / Lesson learned: Distrust can lead to some serious health problems.


Mit eiserner Hand - Lang lebe der König (2024) (Folge) 

Englisch Even after the second episode, I couldn't find a compelling reason to bump up my rating and add that fourth star. The plot wasn't bad, but it also didn't quite hit the mark for me. For all its potential, the show feels a bit lacking in excitement, leaving me with a rather subdued impression overall. I might have enjoyed it more if the creators had focused on Joaquin's rise instead.


The Boys - Oh mein Gott, sie haben Soldier Boy getötet! (2022) (Folge) 

Englisch I've got to be honest, I wasn't thrilled this time around. At times, it felt like the creators got stuck in a loop (especially with Starlight vs. Homelander). I had to put up with some awfully cool dialogues about who licked what, who stuck what in where, and how deep. Not what I was hoping for. The highlight for me? The flashback scene with the idiots from Payback. / Lesson learned: Hangovers come in all shapes and sizes.


Mit eiserner Hand - Das Gesetz des Hafens (2024) (Folge) 

Englisch The opening episode started off great, but then the plot took a bit of a dip, becoming mundane. However, the definitive solution to the issue of pirates was a real treat for me. / Lesson learned: Stealing is never the way to go, and trying to rob seasoned criminals is a particularly stupid thing to do.


Appointment in London (1953) 

Englisch I had a great time watching this film. Even though it had just one action sequence in the air, the drama unfolding on the ground was captivating enough to keep me hooked. And let's talk about those planes — real ones, not the CGI we see everywhere today. The authentic roar of the Rolls Royce engines added so much to the experience. Plus, Roy Chadwick was responsible for Avro Lancaster. He was also behind what I think is the most beautiful bomber, the Avro Vulcan. If you're into this subject matter, you'll get a kick out of this film. My only gripe was why a plane not meant for bombing runs was loaded with bombs.


The Boys - Schimpansen weinen nicht (2022) (Folge) 

Englisch The previous episode was definitely a notch above this one. Nonetheless, I'm quite pleased with how the creators continue to cleverly riff on all those seriously revered and widely accepted comic book heroes. Unlike those "serious" superheroes, the characters in this show occasionally fall apart not just mentally but physically too. / Lesson learned: "Don't drink that, Dr. Jekyll!"


Furies (2024) (Serie) 

Englisch This series turned out to be a real letdown and a complete waste of my time. It's a shame, really. I seem to have this weird compulsion or habit where once I start a series, I feel the need to finish it, even if it's not doing it for me. Well, this one took a nosedive after the third episode, reminding me why French film and TV usually aren't my cup of tea (with a few exceptions, of course). By the penultimate episode, I was convinced this must have been inspired by comic book tropes - the story, the characters, the whole Parisian underworld. The plot was a bit of a weak effort, with the creators avoiding logic at every turn, resulting in this oddity that I just couldn't connect with. / Lesson learned: Some rules can lead you straight into premature death.


Furies - Namaste, Arschloch (2024) (Folge) 

Englisch The finale of this series wasn't actually half bad. Especially when you consider the train wreck that was the previous episode. The creators just need to steer clear of those clichés and tired tropes. So much "tension". But hey, it's all behind me now, and I'm pretty relieved about that. / Lesson learned: If you stop breathing, it won't do you any good.


Furies - Wo sind die Messer? (2024) (Folge) 

Englisch I couldn't help but be amused by the official plot summary of this episode. The forest that was supposed to be dark and eerie looked pretty sparse – blame it on that pesky bark beetle. The plot of this episode can only be described as wild, with a new bulletproof material in the mix. Bullets from a Desert Eagle bounce off, but a knife? It's unstoppable. Absolutely brilliant. We've got an unstoppable mercenary squad, a group practically out of bullets, a targeting laser that makes sound, and a whole bunch of other ridiculousness that left me so amazed that I was on the verge of giving this episode a boo!. / Lesson learned: When you find yourself in a hopeless situation, don't panic. Just wait calmly until deus ex machina saves the day. 1*-