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Kritiken (7 563)


Lucifer - Lucifer retten (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch This episode was a refreshing shift from the last part. Instead of the tired narrative of oppressed minorities battling a fascist police force, the story took a different turn, and it felt like a return to form. The previous episode had me rolling my eyes, but this one? It brought back the good vibes.


Lucifer - Der supermiese Freund (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch I've already mentioned my dislike for the shift from easygoing, entertaining storytelling to the irritating tropes often found in soap operas. The same goes for the need to address the struggles of marginalized groups in every American movie or series.


Lucifer - Der Teufel tut des Teufels Werk (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch Sure, the humor took a bit of a dive, but Daniel's guerrilla speak really grabbed my attention, injecting an interesting twist into the story. Still, I can't help but feel a nostalgic pull towards the first and second seasons. 4*-


Lucifer - In der Orgienhose zur Arbeit (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch Honestly, the arrival of yet another angelic being on Earth didn't exactly thrill me. Thankfully, the creators sprinkled in some humor. Still, I couldn't shake off the feeling of annoyance with the constant attempts at a sappy romantic style. Those scenes would fit much better in a completely different genre. 4*-


Lucifer - Ich sterbe erhobenen Gliedes! (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch Lucifer's recent involvement in the investigation was quite a ride, and I have to hand it to the creators for their portrayal of Eve - she's up for anything (from sex to breaking the law), yet she always gave me the impression that if I shined a flashlight in her ear, her eyes would light up. I found myself laughing and certainly wasn't bored, which is exactly what I expect from this series.


Lucifer - Alles über Eva (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The fourth episode was the most enjoyable for me so far in this season. Eve brought a refreshing energy to the plot, keeping the investigation engaging, and there were plenty of laughs to be had. My favorite scenes included Linda's ultrasound and the bar fight.


Lucifer - Haben Sie kein Gottvertrauen, Pater? (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch A real treat — it's the first episode I genuinely enjoyed in this season. If it weren't for that melodramatic ending, I'd easily give it four stars. Finally, we got an investigation that kept me engaged, sprinkled with some humor. And believe it or not, they even made the presence of an exorcist justifiable. 3*+


Lucifer - Da hat wohl jemand Dantes Inferno gelesen (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch If I gave the last episode three stars, I logically had to drop this one down to two. The investigation was lackluster, the humor was too weak to stand out, and the main focus seemed to be on the muddled relationship drama. And that plotline with the exorcist… honestly, it just didn't do it for me.


Lucifer - Alles in Ordnung (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch I was eagerly anticipating the new season. However, the first episode didn't quite live up to my expectations. As I've mentioned before, I view Lucifer as pure entertainment, a show where I can have a good laugh. Unfortunately, this time, the laughs were few and far between, and the romantic storyline, which I wasn't particularly invested in, seemed to take center stage.


Game Of Thrones (2011) (Serie) 

Englisch A few years ago, I was really looking forward to this epic fantasy series. Until the end of Season 4, I more or less enjoyed it, but then came a turning point. The writers started increasingly ignoring logic, and my favorite series was gradually turning into a farce, which often made me shake my head in disbelief. I hope I live to see the day when George R. R. Martin writes the ending so that I can read it, but I’m not counting on it...