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  • Drama
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  • Krimi
  • Action
  • Horror

Kritiken (7 691)


The Son - Keine Gefangenen (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch The fifth episode was the best one yet, especially when the creators reminded us about the strongest weapon against the natives. Most of the episode focused on the Mexican raiders attacking the McCullough ranch, and I have to say, I loved how it was executed. Overall, I was satisfied.


The Son - Das Totenlied (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch I really enjoyed the events in both timelines, and the action scenes were pretty solid too.


The Son - Neues Reich (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch The pace was slower this time and there were noticeably fewer action scenes, but I got a deeper look into the McCullough family's situation and the tense US-Mexico relations. I had to keep reminding myself that most of this is happening in 1915 — Texas feels like it's stuck in a time warp. Overall, still a solid episode. 4*-


The Son - Der Pflaumenbaum (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch After two episodes, I'm cautiously optimistic. The story and characters are gradually gaining depth, and the time period is right up my alley. Plus, I'm loving the time jumps to 1849. The creators aren't shying away from raw action either, so, for now, I'm pretty satisfied.


The Son - Der erste Sohn (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch The series introduction was pretty solid. We got the usual character introductions, and even though the story jumps between two distant timelines, it’s done really clearly so far. I initially thought it was going to be another typical Wild West show, so setting part of it in 1915 was a nice surprise. 3*+


Tin Star (2017) (Serie) 

Englisch I’m rating the series after having seen only two seasons, because I can’t find the will to continue watching. The story follows the fate of the Worth family, but the plot is often lacking in logic. It is full of unrelatable characters who often behave as if they suffered from schizophrenia, so not even Tim Roth and Christina Hendricks could save this. A huge disappointment.


Tin Star - Season 2 (2019) (Staffel) 

Englisch The only positive thing for me about the second season is that it’s finally over. The plot (if there was any) was pointless, the problems that got more attention than the issue of global warming and were being dealt with over the space of five episodes were suddenly gone just like that, only for a new (even more pointless) problem to arise. I will avoid the potential next season like the plague.


Tin Star - Auge um Auge (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch To be fair, it could have been a lot worse, but it still didn't hit the mark for me. It had the potential to be an awesome action-packed finale, but the characters' dumb decisions during the shootout really ruined it for me.


Tin Star - Wildblumen (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The ninth episode could’ve been titled, “Rosa is dead, so we mourn.” Honestly, the overly sentimental scenes felt awkward and did absolutely nothing for me.


Tin Star - Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch So, in the five episodes of the second season, I had to watch Ann's resistance to her parents slowly morph into hatred (just because she occasionally kills someone). This hormone-fueled teenager then pulls off a major emotional twist, bringing the family together, only for me to realize that watching the previous episodes was a total waste of time.