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Kritiken (3 440)


Hank and Mike (2008) 

Englisch It’s a bit half-baked. The rabbit losers are funny, but the film itself is lacking something that would make me believe it’s a smart and sharp critique instead of only a shallow gimmick, not that there’s anything wrong with that. 6/10


Dark Legends (2009) 

Englisch Your typical teenage horror, lazy and without ideas, both in the execution and the story. It has two twists, or surprises, rather: the first one is so predictable that any viewer with some experience will see it coming the moment they set the stage for it, and the second one is a bad joke. Bollocks to the power of two. I can’t recommend The Shortcut, though I can’t say it was completely boring. 5/10


Smash Cut (2009) booo!

Englisch The only comment I had to explain the Boo! rating was a joke about my brain cells wanting to commit suicide while I watched Smash Cut, but now that I see the relatively positive reviews, I have to say something else. Sometimes I notice that when a new piece of shit (pardon my French) features a famous actor from old cult or forgotten horror films, the fans jump up in joy because it’s a “great homage”, a “B-movie like from the 80s”, “maximum guilty pleasure”, etc. But the reason most of those films are bullshit is that, well, they are bullshit, and the people involved don’t have and never had any talent, and if they ever had any, they lost it. Making this type of retro-crap makes no sense, they made plenty of it in the past already, and “paying homage” doesn’t have to mean (and does not mean) copying everything from the original, including its cheapness, trashiness and silliness.


Very Bad Things (1998) 

Englisch We need to draw a distinction between “fun” and “funny”. There’s no doubt that Very Bad Things is fun, but the real humour is lacking and it doesn’t make you laugh much. The last scene is perfect, though.


König der Fischer (1991) 

Englisch Forgive me Terry for having ignored this gem of yours for so long. All the actors deserve praise, both in the main and the secondary roles, and the direction is Gilliam’s typical fantasy stylisation (it’s not as insane as Brazil, but there are a couple of scenes going in that direction). That said, I have one serious problem with Fisher King: in the last half hour I think the film loses some of its quality; it should have ended with the phone call, when Jack finds out what happened after that unforgettable dinner. That would have completely changed the tone, yes, but I would have been a lot more satisfied. I respect that the creators preferred the conclusion they resorted to, but the unpleasant aftertaste of disappointment is still there.


Sinn und Sinnlichkeit (1995) 

Englisch Honestly, I’ve no idea what made me even think of watching this film. The hopes of success were almost none, as was later (or rather, immediately) confirmed. I remain true to my opinion that making a period romantic drama is a waste of celluloid, one that talented creators should widely avoid.


I Sell the Dead (2008) 

Englisch Some people will be happy enough with seeing Angus Scrimm or Dominic Monaghan, but I’m disappointed because I watched a below-par horror comedy that, effective atmosphere notwithstanding, was unable to entertain me. As a proud patriot, there was only one thing I liked: the sight of Prague Castle in the background somewhere after the thirtieth minute. Other than that, there was nothing of interest, perhaps only the strange regularity of my desire to turn the film off.


Threads (1984) (Fernsehfilm) 

Englisch A most depressive film. Unfortunately, Threads is a lot more documentary (descriptive) than film proper (narrative), I would much rather see the same situation told in a normal way, it could be a fantastic. This way it’s only a brilliant statement that everyone should see. I really hope that I will never have the chance to compare this vision with reality.