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Kritiken (1 480)


Stranger Things - Season 1 (2016) (Staffel) 

Englisch I rather enjoyed it and it kept my attention. The fish was sitting next to me doing his own thing, but since it was playing out loud, it was only the music that scared him; so in terms of sound, the series is very good. The child actors weren't annoying; yes, toothless and overly wise like no one else, but in the end I was probably the most entertained of all by the kids. It built up gradually and I'm glad it didn't have more episodes, because all it would have taken was one more episode and all the tension would have dissipated. Interesting portrayal of interpersonal relationships and the supernatural. In the end, it was a fairly brisk series and I'm curious to see what the second season, which I'm told sucks, has to offer. So we'll see. A weaker 4 stars.


Singwa hamkke (2017) 

Englisch Visually it looks nice. But otherwise I don't really know what it was about. I had a hard time watching it and basically watched it three times. I guess the actors were good, but somehow I wasn't impressed with any of them. And the fireman? Even though a lot of people say Tae-hyun Cha was perfect for the role, I didn't think so at all. Overall, I found the character of the firefighter so unappealing that I couldn't really enjoy it, shed a tear, be in suspense, laugh... So for me, the only value was in the beautiful visuals and imaginative hell. That's all. A film I won't remember tomorrow.


Seigi no se (2018) (Serie) 

Englisch It doesn't impress, doesn't offend, doesn't wallow in relationship clichés. A series that focuses on an aspiring prosecutor named Takemura. She's getting comfortable in her new job, getting used to it and her new co-workers, and they're getting used to her. It's enjoyable, it's not over the top and Yasuda Ken, as her assistant, comes across as a very likeable character. Even Yuriko's character is a perfectly normal woman who makes mistakes but also does a good job. No one here has extraordinary abilities, so the whole series feels real. And repetitive. We have the classic pattern of one case = one episode. Each time it's a different case, but each time we join Takemura and try to defend and protect the weaker side. A great series for dinner time, for relaxation. It's entertaining, it's watchable, but it's not a gem. Maybe only in the fact that none of the characters are particularly eccentric and no one here is a caricature of their category. An improved 3 stars.


Ao Haru Ride (2014) (Serie) 

Englisch Boring. It's not that it's predictable and generic for the genre. There are plenty of Shōjos like this one and you adore them. It's just that Aoharu is just plain boring – uninteresting characters, a story that might be interesting for the first three episodes but then goes in circles and the interest fades, an unmemorable hub. Not to mention that in episode eight we learn that a girl shouldn't be relaxed with a guy because he might attack her (with his mouth, of course, then easily with other instruments)! Just a common practice. Even the animation didn't impress, just standard. The joke... at least. I generally don't like Sakisaka Io's work very much, and this is no exception. She can't work properly with characters, character backgrounds and relationships, and their (natural) development. If I watch the first episode, the two anywhere in the middle, and the last one, I won't miss anything (the biggest bonus with this is the time not wasted) and I'll absolutely know what's going on. So in 12 episodes nothing major happens. There are better genre series.


One Spring Night (2019) (Serie) 

Englisch For the first time in a long time – if ever – I was very sorry that a Korean series didn't have more episodes. Here, I could have easily put up with another episode or two because the characters were well written. On the other hand, it ends at a great moment, so it's possible that I wouldn't rate it as positively in future episodes. Still, I already miss them. They were gentle fun, proper suffering and drama, and interesting conversations. It's not quite the kind of show that will nail you to your chair and you just have to watch the whole thing in one sitting, but more the kind of show that you'll be happy to come back to the next day for another episode. You just enjoy it. Everyone at the beginning thought it would be similar to Something in the Rain, which starred Jung Hae-in. But other than criticizing society and its structure, it has nothing in common. One Spring Night is much better. The protagonists here are in a completely different position, have completely different characters, seem more real and mature, and care about different things. It's a rather daring series that shows the correctness of some decisions, even though they seem like something scandalous, wrong, or unacceptable in an ossified Confucian society. Plus, everything is sensitively accompanied, so the music just naturally helps you to the right emotions that any given scene is supposed to create. Really, after so long, a great series. The chemistry between the characters, the portrayal of the bond between sisters, parents and children, friends (in one family or another), the development of all the characters (if a character tried, they got somewhere; if they were a jerk, they stayed a jerk). It just rises and falls with well-written characters. They're people, and it really feels like a peek into someone's life. I'm not saying the show doesn't have flaws, but I've forgotten them; and if I had to focus and come up with just one, it would be that they completely forgot about basketball... I enjoyed it, I lived through it with them and came away really satisfied and amused (the scene in the last episode where he kneels and apologizes is epic; the whole situation made me laugh out loud). Simply put: I recommend it if you're not looking for a cheesy over-the-top romance. On Netflix with Czech subtitles.


Yesterday (2019) 

Englisch I like this garbage. It's cheerful, positive, naive, with a likable main character who has a fairly sensible girlfriend, and well, The Beatles to top it all off. A summer movie where you don't have to bother to think, just enjoy the songs, a British joke here and there for variety and you just get what you expect from a movie like this. Sure, it doesn't have much extra, but it still manages to entertain and if you know what you want from a movie like this, I think there's a decent chance you'll get it.


Well-Intended Love (2019) (Serie) 

Englisch There was only one reason I started watching the series, and that was because the two arranged a fake marriage between them. The slightly skeletal beginning was bridged into a fairly realistic depiction of the formation of a relationship, only to end with head shaking and diabetes, because at the end of the last episode they even sing to profess their love (it's not about the central characters, so no, it's not a spoiler). On the one hand, the heroine was fine, she stood her ground, she was quite opinionated and the hero was able to admit his mistake, but the story... the plot is really weak, so it's only worth watching for the interaction of characters who can talk to each other, can reflect on their actions, and even think. Of course, that's all to a point, but it's still the best the series has to offer. It's full of clichéd problems with non-clichéd solutions, couples not afraid of touching or kissing. If there were tone-deaf spots, nonsensical scenes, a weak villain, and therefore was at least five episodes shorter, it would be a very interesting and hilarious series. As it is, there's a lot of uninteresting fluff, which of course some people like. For me, 55%.


Takane to Hana (2019) (Serie) 

Englisch You can't expect a sophisticated plot or complex characters in eight half-hour episodes. It's all fast-paced and concise, but that's okay because it's still fun. Now that's what I call a quality manga commercial. It's likable, lively, perhaps a little unique in that the heroine and hero talk to each other, make fun of each other, and overall you can see that it's not a relationship built solely on him being the hero and her being the heroine, but that they have chemistry with each other. A pleasant 3 stars. I'm looking forward to more stuff from Takasugi, because he played very interestingly here, he caught my attention. Maybe a new Yamada Takayuki? Maybe. We'll see in the years to come.


Battleship (2012) 

Englisch If you want to see a WWII ship drift across the waves of the Pacific... I think you should go for it. It may be pretty to look at, but that's about it. The story is weak, it pushes patriotism quite a bit; it has it all – flags, the sun in the background, military pride, veterans, invalids... Just a great American movie about a military setting. There's some fighting, some friendship, some loss, some explosions. Yeah, and there are aliens, but nobody really knows what they want. I guess, like, to mine the Earth or something? Nobody knows.


Tokyo, planète Edo (2006) (Fernsehfilm) 

Englisch Randomly pieced together information that makes no sense as they go one after another, constant shots of someone's legs, zero value null null crap. Not even visually engaging or pretty, let alone providing commentary. My mom even fell asleep to it after the first twenty minutes or so. You're better off going through Tokyo via Google View.

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