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Kritiken (10 848)


The Chamber (2016) 

Englisch It's not a great thriller, as the characters often behave quite illogically. However, I must admit that the underwater scenes were quite claustrophobic, especially when the characters got directly into the water. But it's not one of those films that really get you with its very unpleasant atmosphere; it only flashes through at times.


Die Mumie (2017) 

Englisch I thought - at least from the reviews I read before the screening - that it was going to be terrible, but I liked this film. Tom Cruise is classically good here, the spectacle is light-hearted, but at times it really presses hard on the horror pedal, and if some scenes didn't outright copy from The Mummy (1999), I would rate the film even higher.


Hunter's Prayer - Die Stunde des Killers (2017) 

Englisch A fairly ordinary film about a killer who decides, for once, to be on the side of good and help a girl get a little revenge for her deceased parents, and mainly survive, because someone is after her too. Worthington isn't downright bad, but the film has only one or two scenes that can thrill in terms of action.


Let Me Make You a Martyr (2016) 

Englisch Marilyn Manson surprised me here with how well he handled the role and how natural, calm, and simply good he is in the role of a murderer, even though it is a supporting character. Although there is a story here, the film mainly plays on the unpleasant atmosphere, which is almost depressing. Thanks to that, it works quite well, and the film is brutally raw.


Chronically Metropolitan (2016) 

Englisch A young writer returns to New York after achieving success, where he left behind his family and also some past problems that are now resurfacing and that he should address. Even though it could be interesting, especially considering the cast, it's a bore, and the only thing that stands out even a bit is New York itself, showcased in various shots.


Ernest Saves Christmas (1988) 

Englisch Truth be told, if Ernest wasn't in this film, it wouldn't really matter. He doesn't have such a crucial significance for the story, although he does have some funny scenes, especially those involving disguises. But Santa Claus and the other characters would have been enough, Ernest is just there to be there. Maybe that's why it's kind of cool.


Don't Take Me Home (2017) 

Englisch If you were rooting for Wales in the last Euro, you'll probably enjoy reminiscing about their tournament run through the voices of the participants themselves. Thanks to their statements, it's pretty good, but it has to be said that the comic doesn't bring anything substantial, just a reminder of a great football performance, both on the field and among the fans.


Re-Kill (2015) 

Englisch Re-Kill doesn't bring anything new to the zombie genre, but on the other hand, it's not a movie that would offend me. Instead, its execution is quite enjoyable for me as a decent B-movie action ride, where the zombies are mainly just targets. But also by those who kill. Using reality show stars isn't a bad idea, and within the context of B-movie production and its limitations, Re-Kill simply works. A bit of soullessness didn't bother me here.


The Girl (2016) 

Englisch It's not that bad. It's not brilliantly acted, but it does quite well in showing how we live with someone without really knowing them, maybe just because we've simply resigned ourselves to life and can't perceive reality well. Tia Carrere is great in this one, and I loved her in the role. But it could have been a hell of a lot grittier.


Die gesammelten Peinlichkeiten unserer Eltern in der Reihenfolge ihrer Erstaufführung (2015) 

Englisch A slightly bizarre film, but one that works without having any fantastical elements. It’s simply an example of how one family is very weird, but still functions, even though in reality it doesn't function at all. But there's a great idea in there: If you're worried about ruining your children, don't worry, everyone does that.