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Kritiken (2 274)


Die vierte Art (2009) 

Englisch Personally, I’m a little worried. My mom told me how, when I was little, an owl landed and perched on my baby carriage, watching me. I wonder if that owl is still watching me. On the other hand, I live a pretty long way from Alaska, so I have nothing to fear. I’m sure of that. :)


Harry Brown (2009) 

Englisch If you want to fight against evil, you have to become evil. An atmospheric genre movie that the awesome Michael Caine steals for himself. The screenplay isn’t at all original, but Daniel Barber squeezes the maximum out of it anyhow and does it almost blindfold. Many will compare Harry Brown to Clint’s Gran Torino and they won’t be far off. And even though Harry is more predictable than Clint’s latest film adventure, it’s much rawer, harder and more brutal. And that’s what won my heart. Listen to me. If you don’t tell me, I’ll shoot you in the kneecaps. First one, then the other, until you tell me. So, what do you say?


Spurlos (1993) 

Englisch A relaxing thriller with the great Kiefer Sutherland. It relies heavily on the story, which luckily is well-thought out and gripping. I was a little disappointed with the Sluizer’s uninspiring directing, but on the other hand The Vanishing is accompanied by Jerry Goldsmith’s music of genius from start to finish.


Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) 

Englisch A great dialog-driven drama dominated outright by Al Pacino. And the lesson? People are swines and when they are in hot water they’ll do anything to make somebody else go under instead of them. - What's your name? - Fuck you! That's my name! You know why, mister? You drove a Hyundai to get here. I drove an eighty-thousand dollar BMW. THAT'S my name. And your name is you're wanting.


Der blutige Pfad Gottes 2 (2009) 

Englisch Nowhere near as spectacular as part one, Duffy was definitely trying to mix the ingredients from the first part with some new ideas, but it came out a bit half-assed and the Saints have more dead spots than I would like. That said... the lines are great and even though we are missing Rocco, we have the great Julia Benz and Clifton Collins who, despite not being able to match the ingenious escapades of part one, are still very cool. The unexpected guest at the end was a really nice surprise and I have absolutely nothing against part three, promised at the end. There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You got your talkers and you got your doers.


Percy Jackson – Diebe im Olymp (2010) 

Englisch A fairly silly kids’ movie that takes Greek mythology and does, well... let’s say, strange things. BUT! Despite dumb dialogs and unimpressive effects, something is always happening and the action is really good. To help things, Logan Lerman is a pretty nice kid (I can imagine him as a new “young" Spidey) and Columbus delivers his standard direction. The kids in the auditorium laughed and so did I, but don’t look for a new Potter in Percy, you’d only be disappointed.


Up in the Air (2009) 

Englisch I’d like to fly one day. These days it sounds almost ridiculous, but I’ve never ever flown anywhere. But that feeling of abandonment and freedom that flying represents is so tempting for me... and Ryan Bingham lives in the clouds. It’s hard not to envy him. He has a super job that he enjoys (I liked that too) and it allows him to fly here, there and everywhere. But the day came when he couldn’t and his life begins to change. I’ve seen thousands of sentimental movies about life, but why is Up In The Air so much better? Is it the dry lines, the pleasant actors or the atmosphere? Maybe all of that and maybe it’s because each one of us can find a part of themselves in this story. Credit carders, glues or diligent workers. Luckily, Jason Reitman doesn’t stay at everything being cool and fine, but he shows the other side of the coin too. People losing their jobs. That’s what it’s all about. You have to be able to balance everything and Reitman did a perfect job of it. Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack...


Orphan - Das Waisenkind (2009) 

Englisch I certainly wouldn’t show the brutal beginning to expecting mothers, it was even a bit much for me, but otherwise a superb genre movie. In fact, I even considered giving it a five, but I didn’t find one of the twists at the end convincing (on the other hand it did mean that the always superb Karel Roden made an appearance). But in my opinion... the hammer hit the nail right on the head. :)


Adventureland (2009) 

Englisch A classic movie about how some people were made for each other and some aren’t, wrapped in a story for youngsters around the age of 20. The Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg duo carry the entire Adventureland forward and everything seems somehow wonderfully natural. It’s a really enjoyable watch.


A Serious Man (2009) 

Englisch What on earth have the Coens done? Maybe it’s because I don’t like movies with a Jewish theme, nor am I too keen on the 70s, but I would be willing to come to terms with both if there had at least been some sort of story to it. The idea is good, but a couple of interesting shreds, some cases of director’s finesse and a powerful ending is just too little, IMHO.