Damián Perea

Damián Perea


When little more than twenty years of age, Damián Perea Lezcano produced his first short animated film, using stop-motion technique, under the name of Podría ser peor (It Could Be Worse) in 1999 which went on to be nominated in the Goyas and which has received various prizes and special mentions in international film festivals such as the Festival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Alcalá de Henares, the International Festival MadridImagen, Sitges and the Mostra de Portugal, among others. Two years later, he won the competition organized by the Ministry of Economy and Excise in Spain to design the campaign for the introduction of the euro as a currency, with a plasticine animated film based on the family, The Garcías (2001). This new venture in the film world brought renewed acknowledgement and recognition for his work, such as the Premio Joven Canarias (Prize for the Youth of the Canary Islands) awarded each year by the Canary Government to young entrepreneurs and the prize ‘Canary Islanders of the World’ awarded by the daily, El Mundo, for audiovisual productions.

The international success of his following productions such as Locos por el cine (Crazy About the Cinema, 2003) singles out for special showings in Sicaf in Korea, Bimini in Letonia, Germany, Italy, Holland, France, Japan and new York, together with his work as a director and designer of spots for publicity or his master classes in Berlin and prestigious schools such as the Pratt Institute in New York mean that he is permanently moving back and forward between cultures and countries. He is a member of the European Academy of Cinematographic Art and combines his work as the director and producer of the International Festival of Cartoons, Video-Games and Special Effects (Animayo), a post he has held for some four years now, with his film productions and more personal creations, such as his photography. He has held an exhibition of his work called Sketching Out my Travels, his first incursion into this new artistic world.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Podría ser peor


