John Millea

John Millea


Fun Facts: John read only one book during first twelve years of school: "Joe Namath's Life Story" in fifth grade. However, John ended up getting a Master's Degree in English. His favorite films are a mix of popular stuff and arthouse. His taste in authors is similar.
Favorite Movies: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Stranger than Paradise, Local Hero, Best of Times.
Favorite Authors: Hemingway, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Cummings, Frost, Tarantino, William Carlos Williams, J.D. Salinger, Gerald Haslam. Favorite Musician: Jerry Garcia.
Used to rent movies at a video store up the street from his house called Video Archives from an enthusiastic, but little known film lover named Quentin Tarantino.
John enjoys open spaces, and creeks and pines trees. Ironically, he lives in L.A. He is happily married with one child.
His credits as a director include the film "The Last Days of Danny Pelvic and the Thrusters."

Indican Pictures



The Grind



The Grind

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