
Ludmila Tarantová accused by her maind Francina of the murder of her husband and unjustly condemned to twenty years imprisonment is praying in a prison chapel. Ludmila is released after fifteen years and she goes back to her village. Under a different name she starts to work as a housekeeper for the brother of her dead husband who is bringing up her children - Eliška and Blažej. No one recognises Ludmila after such a long time and Blažej behaves badly towards the new "housekeeper". The dying servant Francina confesses to forging a deceitful testimony against Ludmila and the village priest tells Tarant, that his housekeeper was his brother's wife. Eliška and Blažej are glad that they have found their mother and Tarant soon asks Ludmila to be his wife. (Verleiher-Text)

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