Pian hän tulee

  • Englisch Waiting for Hezhwan (Festivaltitel)
? %
Finnland, 2019, 69 min


The mother kidnaps the child from Finland to Iraq and prevents all communication between the father and son. Thus begins the father’s endless fight to bring the boy back to Finland using all means possible. How is the father able to bear the separation from his son as all attempts to get him back seem futile. What measures are the parents prepared to take as the divorce becomes a wretched game concerning the child’s whereabouts? And what, in the end, is the child’s best interest? Waiting for Hezhwan is a documentary film that feels like a thriller – up to a surprising end. It is also an intimate psychological study about one man’s family tragedy. Such tragedies become more common as globalisation makes marriages, relationships – and divorces – more international. (Tampere Film Festival)

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