Operation Chromite

  • Südkorea Incheon sangryuk jakjeon (mehr)
Trailer 1


1950: Nord- und Südkorea befinden sich im Kriegszustand. Die alliierten Truppen kämpfen auf der Seite der Südkoreaner, darunter der amerikanische General MacArthur (Liam Neeson). Um ein Vordringen der nordkoreanischen Truppen zu verhindern, sendet MacArthur acht Mitglieder des koreanischen Liaison Office, angeführt von einem südkoreanischen Marine-Lieutnant (Lee Jung-Jae), auf eine geheime Mission weit hinter die nordkoreanischen Linien. Die Landung bei Incheon, Codename: Operation Chromite, soll die entscheidende Kriegswendung herbeiführen ... (WVG Medien)


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Trailer 1

Kritiken (2)


alle Kritiken

Englisch I'm actually surprised at how good it was. At first I found the film boring, but from the first big shootout it got my full attention and didn't let up until the end. Action alternated with action, the gunfights are perfectly shot both visually and in terms of setting, they are slightly bloody, I liked the local intransigence where Korean warlords will shoot anyone just for suspicion. Liam Neeson didn't have that big a role here, still a pleasure to see him in the west. I had fun. In places the film reminded me of last year's gem Assassination. 75%. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch A fairly well-shot war film, but after a while, it feels like something you've already seen, or rather like something that's nice to watch but doesn't really stay with you. The visuals aren't bad at all, but the characters just aren't great. Liam Neeson pretty much saves the day with his presence alone. ()


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