
Little Ida and her slightly older brother arrive at a small coast town in Northern Norway to live with their mother in a cheerless basement room. Her mother works for the Germans and has a love affair with a German officer. Relations with the local community are by no means easy. Their mother's association with the Germans results in both children and adults turning their backs on them. Ida tries repeatedly to make contact with other children, but is rebuffed - even at Sunday School there is noe one who will sit beside her. She realizes more and more clearly that she and her mother are different and that this is due to her mothers work and to her new daddy. Ida won't be different, and again and again attempts to make that contact which we all so sorely need.
After a while the situation gets so badly on the nerves of Ida and her mother that Ida is sent away to a farm. Here she meets warmth and understanding - but only for a short time. The long awaited peace arrives and she is sent back to town and to the basement room just in time to see her mother have her head shaved and then be led away, due to her cooperation with the Germans. In the town the population marches in procession, waving flags and feeling happy because peace hsas come. Ida wants to participate. She puts on her best clothes and, flag in hand, goes into the town - only to discover that the peace is for the others - not for her. (Norsk Filminstitutt)

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