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Clevere Täuschungsmanöver, risikofreudige Helden, mondäne Schauplätze: Mit der Rolle des verdeckten Ermittlers im 12-fach Emmy-nominierten Spionagethriller empfiehlt sich Tom Hiddleston ('Thor') als heißer Nachfolger für James Bond-Mime Daniel Craig! Drei atemberaubende Folgen lang liefert sich der drahtige Brite ein teuflisches Katz- und Mausspiel mit 'Dr. House'-Star Hugh Laurie, der sein Luxusleben durch skrupellose Waffenschiebereien finanziert. Inszeniert hat den packenden Thriller Oscar-Preisträgerin Susanne Bier ('In einer besseren Welt'). Als Vorlage diente John le Carrés gleichnamiger Roman. (ORF)


Nutzerkritik Necrotongue zur diesen Serie (5)

The Night Manager (2016) 

Englisch I only started watching this series because Hugh Laurie was in it. Otherwise, I had no idea what I was getting into. I was entertained from the start by this spy game full of intrigue and understandable paranoia, although I found some moments quite naive and was massively disappointed by the ending. I expected it to be more realistic and less fairy-tale-like. Overall, I was satisfied anyway, I liked how the creators managed to gradually escalate the tension. ()

Episode 1 (2016) (S01E01) 

Englisch The first episode immediately captivated me and showed that the plot can be interesting even without constant frantic action. Additionally, the main antagonist is played by Hugh Laurie, whom I first saw in Blackadder, and he hasn't disappointed me since then. ()

Episode 2 (2016) (S01E02) 

Englisch In the second episode, I gave it again four stars, but this time it's 4*+. The plot develops promisingly, the villain and the hero clearly dominate, but I think Olivia Coleman's performance is also worth attention, whom I know from the series Broadchurch. ()

Episode 4 (2016) (S01E04) 

Englisch The series is getting better with each episode, the tension is rising. The good guys infiltrated the bad guys, only to find out that the bad guys had already infiltrated the good guys long before. That's the right chaos, schemes are plotted and nobody trusts anyone, I like that. ()

Episode 5 (2016) (S01E05) 

Englisch In the penultimate episode, the plot intensifies nicely, the fifth episode has a great atmosphere, gloves are off and all cards are gradually being revealed. I'm curious if the creators will succeed similarly in the conclusion, it would be great because so far the quality has definitely been rising. ()

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