The Colonial Gaze Sámi Artists’ Collective

alle Plakate
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Kurzfilme / Komödie
Norwegen, 2012, 15 min


A group of ambitious emerging Sámi artists have gathered together to found a new artists' collective; The Colonial Gaze Sámi Artist's Collective. However they find themselves struggling to draft a manifesto when they are faced with the question: "What is Sámi art?" We follow the Colonial Gaze Sámi Artists' Collective as they struggle with cementing a cohesive group identity as well as their difficulties with reaching a group consensus on their upcoming exhibition: the "Nomadic Lávvu" performance. However, we discover along the way that the leader of the collective, Matti Aikio, has his own intentions for participating in the collective. The Colonial Gaze Sami Artist's Collective is a mockumentary film that uses the familiar conventions of Dogme-style filmmaking to raise very real and relevant questions within Sámi art in humorous way. (Berlinale)
