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  • USA Spring in the Air


This lyrical story of Bonobashi, a girl who lives in an old Indian town, resembles the fairy tale about the princess locked in a castle chamber. After moving into a poor quarter, the attractive young woman becomes a magnet for the attentions of every local man and boy. But since her arrival she has yet to leave the apartment to walk out onto a street full of curious adolescents. She shares the apartment with an eccentric old man, probably her father, who strictly controls her contact with the outside world. One of those interested is Bishu, a young man who wanders the streets of the neighborhood. The movie creates a poetic impression of the closed world of the poor district and its isolated inhabitants. Using simple and captivating means, it reveals a network of boisterous emotions that it invests with internal magic and mystery. The director’s distinctive vision is underscored by effective black-and-white camerawork that picks up the subtle nuances of atmosphere. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)

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