
Streetdancer Luke (Rick Malambri) lebt mit zahlreichen, jungen Tänzern verschiedenster Herkunft, die sich zu der Tanztruppe House of Pirates" zusammengeschlossen haben, in einem heruntergekommenen New Yorker Lagerhaus. Sie stehen kurz vor dem World Jam-Wettbewerb, einem Tanzwettstreit, bei dem die besten Tanzcrews der Welt gegeneinander antreten. Als Belohnung winkt eine hohe Gewinnsumme. Für die Piraten" eine große Herausforderung, denn sie müssen ihre Erzrivalen, das House of Samurai", besiegen. Damit die Piraten" die World Jam gewinnen können, brauchen sie talentierten Nachwuchs und so macht sich Luke in der Untergrund-Tanzszene der Stadt auf Suche nach neuen Talenten. Schließlich stößt er auf zwei geeignete Tänzer: die unergründliche Streetdancerin Natalie (Sharni Vinson) und den Erstsemester Moose (Adam Sevani). Doch Natalie hat ein Geheimnis, das nicht nur die zarte Romanze zwischen ihr und Luke zerstören könnte, sondern alles, was sich die Piraten" aufgebaut haben. Als die hammermäßige Choreografie der Piraten" von den Samurai" geklaut wird, ist es Moose, der bei seiner alten Tanz-Crew von der MSA, der Maryland School of the Arts, um Hilfe bittet. Können die Piraten" gemeinsam mit der MSA-Truppe in der wenigen Zeit, die ihnen noch bleibt, das Ruder rumreißen und doch noch gut genug sein, um die besten Streetdancer der Welt zu schlagen? (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch And here we have the third dance hit from the "Step Up" series, which we renamed to the beautiful Czech "Let's Dance". What can we expect from such a film? We can probably say right away that it won't be a big story. Maybe there will be a little romance, but first and foremost, it will be a film where dance should take center stage. "Let's Dance 3D" shows us that it will be like that from the beginning and throughout the film, interesting dance numbers are presented, often utilizing the whole street. Could this be a preparation for the fourth installment? Yes, fans already know that we have also gotten a fourth installment, and I wouldn't be surprised if a fifth one comes. In this series, it's not about characters who usually only appear in one part and then disappear, or make some nice cameo to play on the emotions of the viewers who love this dance series. No, it will never be as great as "Dirty Dancing," but when it comes to dance numbers, it will always have something to offer. The street dance showcased here is truly innovative, although some elements may repeat, it doesn't change the fact that the dancers manage to captivate you with their moves. The problem arises when they try to act. It seems to me that none of them can act, except for the character Moose, they are all incredibly clumsy, as if they want to show us how important dance is. When I hear the sentence that dance can change the world, I feel like sitting down. The film is sometimes just too nice, it tries to emotionally draw you in too much, which is not pleasant, but there's nothing we can do about it. We probably couldn't expect much else. Try to focus on the dance numbers and not the rest, and you will witness a quite interesting performance. More: ()


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Englisch This movie is all about the music and dancing. I would say that with each episode, Let's Dance loses the plot and gets more into the dancing. But of course there's nothing wrong with that. It's great to watch, great to listen to, stylish... and that's what it’s all about. ()