
The conductor Galló Tamás has spent years with his family abroad. After their return home, he is unable to find his place in the changing city and under the new conditions. He feels as if everything was as if. He gets a nervous breakdown while rehearsing Beethovens violin concert, partly due to his standard conflicts with his wife and his son. Dr. Lantos Andrea attempts to cure his featherweight neurosis, while step by step patient and doctor fall in love with each other. Tamás is given two overwhelmingly happy days by the devoted and passionate woman, but he is too much of a coward to change his life. He decides to break with the girl and deeply humiliates her. He returns to his wife and conducts the Beethoven piece smoothly at the concert. Andrea, who has been dismissed from her job due to her affair with the man, returns to her native village in the Nyírség region. (Verleiher-Text)



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