

This spoof series invites you to see a 'long lost' 1980s TV chiller from acclaimed novelist, Garth Marenghi. With hammy acting and ridiculously shoddy filmmaking techniques, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace makes for seriously funny viewing. (Verleiher-Text)

Nutzerkritik DaViD´82 zur diesen Serie (1)

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace (2004) 

Englisch In this movie you will not find the answer to the eternal question that divides horror fans into two irreconcilable camps since the mid-seventies, i.e. whether Stephen King or Garth Marenghi (almost untranslated in this country, with one exception contained in an anthology of horror tales compiled by apostle of horror, Tomáš Korbař) is the better writer. But the strength of Darkplace lies in the fact that it is so high quality that it can enthrall even staunch King fans and show them that even Marenghi can write too... Something that, the other way round, none of King’s works cannot achieve. ()

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