
We meet Veronica shortly before her high-school graduation exams. She lives with her mother, an alcoholic, and her mother’s partner. One day when he is drunk, he chases Veronica to the roof of a house and falls off, killing himself. He was in debt as he was addicted to gambling. His creditor wants the money back and starts to threaten Veronica. Her mother will not protect her since she is always drunk. Thus, the young girl must leave home and hide far away. On her journey she meets many characters. Some of them are comic, others are rather tragicomic. And Veronica tries to find good people with whom she would feel comfortable and happy, thus giving her life meaning. (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (2)

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Necrotongue booo!

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Englisch I've seen the film for the second (and the last) time, and I still have no idea what it’s about. Surprisingly, the biggest disaster of the whole thing for me was not the purely non-acting performance of Agáta Hanychová, but the total incompetence of the screenwriting duo, responsible for something that rather resembled the final product of a digestive system than brain activity. Not even the world's best actor would be able to do much with material like this (which is no excuse for the pathetic lead actress). Just plain terrible. ()


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Deutsch Es hat mich einmal jemand gefragt, ob ich Crash Road gesehen habe und wieviel Sterne ich ihm gegeben habe. Ich sagte: einen Stern. Wofür, um Gottes willen? Für die Szenen mit der Braut Lucie Pernetová. Ich reagiere überhaupt nicht irgendwie allergisch auf Agatha, ich fasse mir nicht bei jeder Erwähnung ihres Namens an den Kopf und bekomme auch keinen Ausschlag, aber dieser Film ist nicht gelungen. Wirklich nicht. Ich wollte noch einen Stern dafür hinzufügen, dass ich den Film überhaupt zu Ende gesehen habe. Aber ich habe es mir anders überlegt. ()

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