
On the eve of World War II, Major Benedek Zoltán is an embodiment of the service regulations in the army. He only discloses his feelings towards Anna, his brother's widow. An investigation is conducted in the regiment to identify Communists. The main target is officer candidate Dobi, whom the major once saw visiting Anna. The campaign makes both Benedek's half-brother and Anna suspects, but he does nothing. The colonel general once courted Benedek's mother, so he feels sympathetic towards her son. The major is advanced to a higher rank, while the colonel goes to war and remains faithful to the Germans to his last cartridge. In the general confusion around the military collapse of the Germans, he is drifted to the forced labourers who took side with the Soviets (Dobi was one of them). Benedek rushes back to the Germans who shoot him dead. (Verleiher-Text)



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