
The action film which takes place in our days is about the decisive battle between the special commando, led by Colonel Papp and trained for combat against the Mafia and the Ukrainian Mafia, getting to Austria through Hungary. Thank to his man infiltrating the police, Zavarov, the Mafia boss escapes from the grip of the police in the last minute, what is more, due to the failure the special commando itself is almost dissolved. By accident, Jims' learn that Zavarov and his gang try to go to Vienna, therefore they also get on the express train to Vienna. By bravado conspiration and the exchange of name plates they mislead the bandits who believe that they managed to get to Vienna as a result of making hostages and blackmailing. Though Zavarov sacrifices his own men as well, he falls in a trap due to his lack of bump of locality. Once the infiltrated man is also nabbed, the special commando is finalised. (Verleiher-Text)


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