Ardennen 1944

  • USA Attack (mehr)

Streaming (1)


Belgien, 1944 Leutnant Joe Costa muss an zwei Fronten kämpfen gegen die feindlichen Truppen und die Fehlentscheidungen seines unfähigen Vorgesetzten, Hauptmann Cooney Eddie Albert. Regisseur Robert Aldrich, der in seinen Filmen Hollywood Story, Vera Cruz die amerikanische Geschichte immer kritisch unter die Lupe nahm, erhielt für "Ardennen 1944" 1956 den Preis der italienischen Filmkritik. Sehenswert Hollywood-Veteran Jack Palance als Soldat in der Zerreißprobe. (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (2)


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Englisch Aldrich's film breaks away from the usual template of war films from the 1950s, where on one side stands the victorious army with ideals and a mission, and on the other side is evil in the form of a criminal enemy that must be defeated and punished. In this case, the enemy is hiding within their ranks, in the form of an inept cowardly officer in the American army, who, with his approach, causes the death of many soldiers in his unit. Thematically, it's very interesting, but the execution is worse, and it doesn't avoid the typical American moralistic approach and pathos, especially at the end. The characters are divided according to black-and-white stereotypes, and it must be absolutely clear to the viewer on whose side the truth stands, and for their judgment to be unequivocal, the anti-hero is portrayed one-dimensionally. Such a crystal clear cowardly hysterical inept and treacherous character does not exist in reality, or rather, exists just as often as his opponent - the hero, who tears out his crushed hand trapped under a tank track and fearlessly goes to fulfill his mission despite having mortal injuries. The film's outcome is distinctly detrimental and unbelievably and pathetically positive, which goes against the down-to-earth reality of war and the decision-making and execution mechanisms of the army's justice. Overall impression: 60%. ()


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Deutsch Jack Palance und Lee Marvin sind toll, Eddie Albert ist nervig und unsympathisch (ich weiß, dass seine Figur solche Eigenschaften haben sollte, aber trotzdem…). Ein paar sehr gute (die Scheune, das Finale) und ein paar völlig überflüssige Szenen (Ich bin allein in einer Scheune, die gleich von zwei Panzern beschossen wird, und anstatt wegzulaufen, werde ich lieber lange beten? Na klar…), eine sehr seltsame Musik… Ich war eher enttäuscht. Im Vergleich zu Peckinpahs Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz ist dieser Film sehr schwach. Wie fast alles andere auch. ()