Age of Demons

? %
USA, 1992, 75 min


A trio of sorceresses are hellbent on offering 100 human sacrifices in order to access Hades and bring forth the age of demons. They kidnap Mitch Feinstein (Eric Matson), a satanic punk rocker with unique psychic powers, and force him to summon a demonic monster who is let loose into the world to wreak mayhem and destruction. Mitch quickly enlists his goofy brother Don (Damon Foster) and his karate club compadres to do battle with the coven’s evil henchmen. In a final ditch effort to save humanity, the brothers combine their powers to resurrect Don’s mammoth robotics class project Cybertron, who flies to the rescue and challenges the demon head-to-head in a blood soaked, laser beam battle to the death! (Saturn's Core Audio & Video)

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