
Im Goldenen Zeitalter des Theaters war es Frauen untersagt, im Theater zu spielen. Maria ist die Garderobiere des Schauspielers Ned Kynaston. In Maria hat Ned nicht nur eine glühende Verehrerin, sondern auch eine heimliche Nachahmerin gefunden. Eines Tages beschließt König Charles II., dass auch Frauen im Theater auftreten dürfen - sehr zum Leidwesen von Ned. (Sony Channel)


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Englisch Stage Beauty is structured with a screenplay that has a predictable happy ending and several twists typical of Hollywood, yet it's thoroughly enjoyable and professionally made, with a reasonable budget, strong casting, and notable performances. The cinematography, music, and editing all fit together seamlessly, and the play with Shakespearean texts really allows the actors to demonstrate their familiarity with theatrical classics, delighting in the verses with almost epicurean pleasure. Crudup's role is particularly rewarding due to its ambiguity in sexuality and approach to acting. Claire Danes is professionally charming and likable, and Tom Wilkinson, a seasoned veteran, effortlessly plays his part as a theatrical boss, having essentially built his career on Shakespearean plays... Overall impression: 80%. ()

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