Asphalt Zahov

  • Englisch Yellow Asphalt
alle Plakate
Drama / Episodenfilm
Israel, 2000, 87 min


Yellow Asphalt is a film comprised of stories whose common themes focus on relations and conflicts between Israeli settlers and Bedouin tribes living in the Judean desert. The first, shortest story involves the tragic and needless death of a little Bedouin boy on an abandoned road in the desert. The second is about a German woman named Taman escaping from her unhappy marriage to a Bedouin and the third and last story deals with the love relationship between a Bedouin woman, Suida, and her married Jewish employer. The film’s leitmotiv concerns the influence of western civilization on a traditional eastern culture and their mutual interpenetration, realities that have forced the inhabitants to re-evaluate their attitudes towards tradition and deeply rooted customs. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)

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