Die Köchin von Bahia

  • Frankreich Les Petits Plats de Bahia (mehr)
Frankreich / Deutschland, 2008, 52 min


In the kitchen of a restaurant in the Brazilian town of Bahia the cook prepares a good, hearty dish consisting of beans and meat - a traditional Feijoada.
The guests take a seat at the table. They are ragged, uncombed and barefoot figures - streetchildren, who are invited here once a week. Celina, the boss, serves her guests personally.
Cooking and eating mean much more in Bahia than just ingesting food.
The preparation of food has a deep spiritual meaning and can even be part of Candomblé, an African religion that was brought to Brazil by slaves. Here, it mixed with Catholic and Indian traditions. So Celina not only cooks for her restaurant guests and the street children, but also for ceremonies in her Candomblé community - currently they are preparing major festivities in honor of the god Orixás. (Verleiher-Text)

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