
Countess Vera von Conti checks into Monte Carlo. She's down to her last 10,000 francs and has fled from her husband-to-be, Prince Otto von Seibenehim. At a casino, Count Rudolph Falliere is taken by Countess Vera's beauty and persuades her into letting him stroke her hair for good luck. Because of this, Vera assumes Rudolph is a hairdresser and hires him. Rudolph in love with Vera calls her every night and sings to her. Vera also in love with Rudolph must fire him to marry the Duke -for financial reasons. One night at the opera, Vera notices Rudolph in the VIP box. She realizes he has lied to her about his social status, but, perhaps they may marry... (Verleiher-Text)


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Deutsch So ein schönes altes, unkompliziertes Nichts und doch alles. Klassischer Lubitsch-Manierismus mit allem Drum und Dran. MacDonald ist wie Porzellan, und die klassischen "Ich bin jemand anderes"-Situationen werden auf die Spitze getrieben. Eine Erklärung finden Sie in Monsieur Beaucaire. ()

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